What Is The Advantage Of Digital Marketing For My E-Commerce?

If you already have an e-commerce, you should know how essential Digital Marketing done by comrade digital marketing services for example is for your business, right? Well, to give an example: to start the sales process in your online store, you need visitors on your website – you will only have sales if you have visitors—that simple.

Your e-commerce must always be in sight of the potential customer. But how to do this in a “natural,” attractive and non-aggressive way? That’s where Digital Marketing comes in.

Currently, we have millions of people on the internet, which is equivalent to more or less 64% of the entire population of the country. How not take advantage of this fact to promote your brand, your products and make more sales?

Nowadays, it is a rule that your business is on the internet and carrying out Digital Marketing actions; after all, all your competitors are here. Not doing this is a loss of space and relevance to them.

From the moment you dedicate yourself to carrying out Digital Marketing strategies which sites like comrade digital marketing services can help you with, your visibility in Google searches will undoubtedly increase, in addition to creating a relationship of trust with the public, getting contacts from potential consumers, achieving greater credibility, increasing brand popularity, possibly growing sales, and several other key points.

How Did Digital Marketing Come About?

As everyone knows, the internet started to show up in the 90s, when computers started to become more accessible to the general population. However, the internet emerged long before that, around the 60s, and it was along with the emergence of the internet that Digital Marketing also emerged.

In the ’90s, when there was this “popularization” of the internet, we had the Digital Revolution, which completely changed how we communicate and do our daily tasks. With the increase of the population on the internet, e-commerce began to appear (online auctions, internet shopping, etc.), in addition to blogs and social networks, which were increasingly calling the attention of companies to promote their products and brand.

It was then that the term “Digital Marketing” began to gain more and more prominence and people began to feel a real need to make it part of their business – and life. Nowadays, we even have Facebook and Instagram, social networks that already have sections dedicated only to e-commerce: Facebook through its catalog and Instagram through Instagram Shopping.